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Heroes7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Blizzard finally embraces the term MOBA in latest advertising push

Well, they almost embraced it -- "We're not here to maintain the status quo - we're here to upend it."

Long time fans of Heroes of the Storm are aware of the franchise's identity crisis. First it was Blizzard DOTA in 2012, then Blizzard All-Stars in 2013, and even though it found a name that stuck in 2014, it's genre has always been subject to question:

"It's a Hero Brawler"

"We don't consider ourselves a MOBA"

"Heroes can't really be compared to LoL or Dota"

Well now, straight from the horse's mouth-- we can compare Heroes to traditional MOBAs. This latest shift in Blizzard marketing aims to focus on the unique twist Heroes brings on the MOBA genre. Originally, it looked like Blizzard wanted to avoid any ties to the genre in an attempt to cater to a more casual audience. MOBAs brings to mind memories of toxic communities and steep learning curves; two things Blizzard has been avoiding since their success of World of Warcraft.

But with the rise of Heroes esports and the new HGC league in 2017, it's clear that Heroes needed to define itself. LoL and Dota players can't help but think of Heroes as an easier version of their game, but the "Heroes Defy" marketing push aims to disrupt that thought.

The primary message? Heroes isn't an easier MOBA, it's an entirely different MOBA that will force you to relearn everything you know about the genre.

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