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Heroes8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Haunted Mines won't return anytime soon

Dustin Browder confirmed on Twitter that the Haunted Mines map, removed from the map rotation last November, might not be making a return - at least not without a serious rework.

There are mixed opinions about the Haunted Mines map that was removed from Heroes of the Storm last November; many people love the map but others argue that the fun doesn't really provide good competition.

Haunted Mines was removed in the November 17, 2015 HotS patch - the same one that introduced Cho'Gall to the game. There was also the announcement that Towers of Doom would be coming to the game, and with 10 maps Blizzard felt it was necessary to remove Haunted Mines from the rotation. When Dustin Browder was asked about the Haunted Mines on Twitter today, his response gave some insight into the future (or lack-there-of) of the Haunted Mines.

Q. When are you planning to bring back the Haunted Mines?

Another fan of the Mines then commented that the map situation in Heroes of the Storm could use a bit more transparency. Browder responded:

This Tweet confirms that the Haunted Mines are, for now, out of the game. Browder hinted the team might have plans to rework the Mines and reintroduce them to the game, but they're definitely not working on them right now. So if you're a fan who loved the Haunted Mines, you might not get to see them in rotation for a long time.

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