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Heroes9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

The era of the solo queue has begun: Blizzard reduces Hero League queue to 1-2 players only

The days of stomping unorganized teams with a 3-4 stack of friends is coming to an end as Blizzard announces their next step to address the highly criticized match making system.

Since the last changes to match making, there has been vocal critique of the current system. These are focused on specific MMR scenarios that made a certain level of ranked player experience a much harder climb back to Rank 1 than other players with lower MMR's. Today Blizzard announced a change that aims to fundamentally change the entire Hero League experience.

Frustrated solo queue players know what Blizzard means when they say a large group of solo players do "not necessarily want to play with teammates of varying skill levels." Their explanation for this phenomena comes from groups of 3-4 players who agree to play with their friends despite huge experience disparities. This routinely forced solo queue players to play along side these new players, only there is no real-life friendship incentive to have patience or enjoy the experience.

All of this (and other problems) can be solved by reducing Hero League to only 1 or 2 player queues. It's refreshing and a sign of good things to come to see Blizzard describe the quality of life issues involving ranked play so accurately. This change will arrive during the next Heroes patch.


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