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Heroes9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

List of undocumented changes implemented in The Butcher patch

Curious redditors compiled a list of undocumented changes, including a slight Johanna nerf, a Nazeebo buff, and what appears to be a powerful Murky glitch.

The Murky interaction with Octograb was indeed a glitch, and have been hotfixed today.

Gathering the communities experiences with the new patch, reddit user "Guapomansion" took a bit of initiative and compiled all of these undocumented changes in one thread. Some of the most interesting undocumented changes are as follows:


  • After casting Octograb, you can right click on any hero or minion to get away. The stun on the enemy hero will still persist even after moving away. 


  • You can use Gargantuan´s Stomp while dead.


  • Condemn now has a different function. It seems like it pulls enemies a certain distance instead of grabbing them to the center all the time. For example if you are in the edge, you will be pulled a little bit towards the center, instead of be pulled to the exact center. 

The Murky change seems like a glitch, as it isn't likely Blizzard would remove the drawback of an already powerful heroic in such a oddly specific, undocumented way. The change to Nazeebo and Johanna though seem like they are here to say, and are worth knowing about.

Using previous patches as an example, t's only a matter of time before more undocumented changes are revealed are discovered by the community.

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