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Heroes9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

VoD of the week: SK vs Cast Aside fight to the death for gold coins.

Enter the Storm tournament pageMatch of the week replay link 

This weeks must watch match is a nail biter between SK and Cast Aside. Tyrael shines the entire game and, when paired with Anub'arak offers a hint at how effective a double warrior line up can be. Cast instead for another warrior, opts for a Zeratul and Sylvanas combo- two heroes that can PVE extremely well on Blackheart's Bay.

This battleground has so many different objectives it can be hard to figure out what to prioritize. This back and forth game offers great insights on how to approach the battleground, specifically when to contest the other teams turn in and when to just let them have it.

Runner up:  Tempo Storm VS Zeveron WCA Pro Qualifiers

This match ends in such an epic way, I don't even want to risk spoiling it to those who have not watched it. Draft starts at 51:33.


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