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Heroes9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Did this leak reveal the next new Hero?

A supposed leak that was discovered on battle.net makes previous data mining look pretty convincing.

Like all leaks, nothing here (including this sweet image of Kael'Thas) can be totally confirmed. However, like all leaks, it gets people talking. It started as a reddit thread that showed the above image of Kael'Thas. The link was discovered through some clever URL manipulation on the us.battle.net website:


The link was quickly taken down by Blizzard, but that didn't stop the frenzy of hype and speculation about this abilities, skins, and the usual discussion that follows immense Heroes of the Storm excitement. From there, some previously data mined information was posted on the same reddit thread, that, in light of a high resolution, beautiful Bloodmage standing before us, looks a lot more convincing:

Kael'Thas spells and abilities:

  • Anti-Gravity

  • Combustion

  • Flamestrike

  • Phoenix

  • Burning Impact (Passive)

Flamestrike and Phoenix appear to be direct nods to the Warcraft 3 Bloodmage, which is by far the most recognizable and popular depiction of Kael'Thas in a RTS/MOBA setting. The spells and abilities seem flavorful and, if they are accurate, end the argument over whether or not Kael'Thas will be depicted using arcane magic or fire magic. After getting decimated by Jaina over the past couple weeks, I for one welcome our new fiery overlord.

Is this leak legit? Let us know what you think in the comments section.

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