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Heroes7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Best in Role: Warriors on Braxis Holdout

Warriors are extremely important on Braxis Holdout.

The stationary nature of the objective lends itself to heroes with damage mitigation and high sustain. Warriors are often times the members left on their own to hold beacons. The other important things for heroes to have on this map are wave clear for the Zerg rush and mobility to rotate to shrines. Here are the Warriors that are best suited for Braxis Holdout.

#1 Rexxar

Rexxar is strong on Braxis for the same reasons he is strong on Dragon Shire.

  • His ability to push the wave while controlling the beacon with Misha makes him one of the best if not the best solo laners on Braxis Holdout.

  • Misha’s sustain with Hunter Gatherer and Hungry Bear allow Rexxar to control the beacon as long as he stays away from damage. If played properly he forces the enemy team to bring more than one hero to push him off the objective giving his team a numbers advantage on the bottom beacon.

  • Because of the extra regen globe spawns Hunter Gatherer is extremely easy to stack on Braxis Holdout.

  • I know it isn’t a highly taken talent, but Bird of Prey in combination with the often taken Wildfire Bear, Rexxar has some of the best wave clear for a Warrior. This is extremely useful for helping clear the Zerg waves.

  • Rexxar doesn’t have great mobility, but Misha, Charge! And Unleash the Boars give him enough crowd control to set up ganks for his team. This allows him to create kills in rotation leading to numbers advantages and easy beacon secures.

  • In the last month Rexxar has a 51.7% win rate. This jumps to 55.6% on Braxis Holdout. It is clearly one of his best battlegrounds.

Rexxar is in my opinion, the best Warrior on Braxis Holdout. Here is the best build to maximize his potential on the battleground.

#2 Zarya

When you think Braxis Holdout you probably think “Our team needs a strong solo laner,” but Zarya is strong on this battleground for the opposite reason, her effectiveness with the quad lane.

  • Zarya’s wave clear is insane. Her AOE basic attack in combination with Particle Grenade allow her to clear waves almost instantly. This allows her to pressure structures in the early game and clear even the strongest Zerg pushes.

  • She functions just as well pushing with a Zerg wave, because of her long range poke with Particle Grenade. To increase her siege and poke potential you can take Demolitions Expert and Pinpoint Accuracy.

  • Her Personal Barrier and Shield Ally allow her to function in a supportive role, making the quad bottom lane group extremely hard to push off of beacons.

  • Just as with Hunter Gatherer, Give me Twenty is much easier to stack on Braxis because of the extra regen globe spawns.

  • Expulsion Zone gets a ton of value on Braxis because of all the tight corridors there are to block off.

  • Zarya is best played in double Warrior compositions. This allows your team to pick her for the quad lane and another one of these Warriors to be the solo laner.

  • Her win rate jumps about 5% on Braxis Holdout. This is quite a significant increase.

As strong as Rexxar is in the solo lane, Zarya is just as powerful if not more so in the Bottom lane. This build is the best for Zarya on Braxxis Holdout. You can take a full Particle Grenade build, but the standard build is generally better as poke is not critical on this battleground.

#3 Dehaka

Even though he has fallen off a bit in after the last round of nerfs, Dehaka is still one of the best Warriors on Braxis Holdout.

  • Because of Primal Aggression, Symbiosis, and Primal Swarm Dehaka is top tier in terms of wave clear for Warriors. This allows him to push waves quickly and assist with Zerg clearing.

  • Brushstalker allows Dehaka to create number advantages at beacons. He can quickly push in the wave with Dark Swarm and rotate to the bottom beacon before the enemy team realizes what is happening. Even if the enemy team pays attention and hears the sound they will generally back off allowing your team to secure the bottom beacon.

  • One Who Collects and Adaptation make Dehaka extremely difficult to beat in a 1v1. This, his excellent wave clear, and his Brushstalker rotations make him one of the best solo laners for Braxis.

  • Drag allows Dehaka to grab the enemy solo laner off of the beacon, making it that much easier to control the objective.

Dehaka is powerful on Braxis Holdout. This is the best build for him on this map and the best build in most situations.

Honorable Mentions

Honorable mentions for Braxis Holdout would have to be Artanis and Chen. Artanis is one of the best Warriors in the game right now, but his kit doesn’t really increase his value on this battleground. It should be noted that he has solid wave clear with Blade Dash and decent 1v1 potential because of Shield Overload. His lack of sustain is what hurts him as a solo laner. Chen has good sustain and wave clear. Before the last round of changes to his kit and talents he was a go to pick on Braxis Holdout, but those changes hurt his sustain enough that he dropped in priority.

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