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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

SquaLL to ToT


A new Zerg player has join the Templars of Twilight, the famous Spaniard SquaLL! This player who will play in the Sandlot tournament is currently the mYm.com Master of The Races, and will be a very strong addition to the team.

David Saez
After Europe FanatiC's death, Spain David "SquaLL" Saez (picture), aged 21, had joined the Spanish clan Spain LRM) and had been owning in the WGTour Clan League Division 1. But unfortunately for this team which is leading its division, SquaLL has decided to become Spain ToT)SquaLL(. Even though he will have several Zerg opponents in his own team, SquaLL will be a very good addition for this amazing team.

Here are a few quotes of two ToT-gaming admins about Spain SquaLL entering the Europe Templars of Twilight:
Germany Mondragon:
I am very happy to welcome him since he is a zerg player and zerg player are the sexiest players anyway, I think there is no doubt about that?! Is there? Whatever, have a heartily welcome David :)

Norway Ilvy:
I am happy that David decided to join us now. His performance the last weeks was really great so he will be a nice addition to the team.

I had the chance have an interview just after the announcement:
  • France
GG-Salieri: Hello David, and congratulations for entering ToT!
Spain ToT)SquaLL(: hi, thank you. :D:D

So, you are now part of the Templars of Twilight. What made you decide to join this team?
Actually it was an easy decisition, since long time ago joinning ToT was a goal to me, and now that I'm in I'm really happy ^^

What about your former team LRM) ? Aren't you sad to leave it?
Yes, I'm :/. And im specially sad since I didnt plan to leave the team that soon. I just wish them the best of lucks in the future, and thank to most of them to understand my decision.

Now, what are your plans in the Templars of Twilight? Become the best Zerg player of the team? If yes, good luck! ;)
lol I think im constantly growing as player but to become the best zerg player seems really hard to me, with players like Dissy, Sen or Jamie I just expect to keep improving and hf with them :)

eheh, well GosuGamers wishes you good luck in your new team, as well as in the MeetYourMakers.com Master of The Races!
Any shoutouts ?

Thanks again, and I'm quite lazy for shoutout :D
Good luck David with the Templars of Twilight, and thanks again for this interview!

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