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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Interview with SunCow


SunCow is one of the two Polish players who flew to Korea in order to play the Courage Tournament. Here is a small interview I had with him two days ago, just after his arrival in Seoul.

b008d149dba3f72b0e4eef8985c449dbe6e270a06b28a67bdd4f3f78e6.jpgPoland Dawid "mYm.SunCow" Al-Dughaither (picture) has left Germany to fly to Korea on the 3rd of April. Unlike his teammate mYm.Draco, SunCow has published his Courage groups and also the thoughts he has about each player. In this interview, I have asked SunCow about his life, his projects after the Courage Tournament, and also his chances of winning it. This tournament will take place tomorow, every match being played as bo3. Enjoy reading this interview, and good luck to SunCow for his tournament tomorow, let's hope he will show, along with Draco, that foreigners can compete against Koreans !

France GG-Salieri : So, you have just arrived in Korea, what are your first feelings there ?

Poland mYm.SunCow :

After that i went to sleep so I can practice for the courage tournament since I must win it.

Yes i did , first day was really very hard for me since i was after 13 000 km that i flied so i had no power to talk to eat or anything else but actually i found some power for going out with all siz players and have fun with them, at 4 pm we ate some kimchi and other korean spicy food it was very tasty. After that i went to sleep so I can practice for the courage tournament since I must win it.

You are now living in the Siz) house. I guess you know most of the players who live there ?

Ye I live in Siz)house but i know all members but not from real life , only from Bnet. They are really friendly people, very kind, and at same time shy.They always try to help as much as they can even tho they can not understand a single word what i say, But yeah i feel here like at home i really enjoy it.

Ahah I guess it must be very difficult for you to communicate with them. Have you learnt any Korean words ?

'Ye actually they teached me some ,anjong ha se yo, or other words :p

I have no clue about what you have just said means, but whatever ;)

SunCow's opponents and his thoughts of them

Korea Siz)Cure - I'm winning
Korea HeirOfKoala - I'm winning
Korea N.die_NonStop - I'm winning
Korea Passion[Gsp] - I'm winning
Korea Sea[Gsp] - I don't know, I didn't play
Korea Pause[Gsp] - I'm winning
Korea Spear[Shield] - I'm winning
Korea Sea.LuZ - I don't know him
Korea Oops[Shield] - I'm winning
Korea Nsp_Yorker - I don't know him
Korea Crystal[InCa] - I'm winning
Korea Only[S.G] - He's hard
Korea Siz)Hero - I'm winning
Korea c1y2s3[fou] - He's hard
Korea HanJo[fou] - Very hard
Korea Siz)o.Ov - Very hard, but I'm winning
Korea Siz)FlaSh - Very hard, stats 6-9 for him
Poland Siz)SunCow - That's me

FlaSh, o.Ov, Cure and Hero are Siz) members, and will be in your Courage group. Are they also living in the Siz) house ?

From the 4 that u mentioned is only Cure in siz house, with the other 3 i practiced really like with 1 of them 50 games etc. So i know all of these guys strategies. But its sad that 4 of us are in 1 group since we are very good friends and every one wants to win.

Are many of the other Siz) members also taking part in the Courage Tournament, in other groups ?

Yes, 20-30 members, I don't know exactly.

Wow, amazing
The map pool of the Courage Tournament is Rush Hour III ; 815 III, Sin Pioneer Period. Do you like those maps ?

Ye i feel very comfortable on this maps as they are good for my build orders ,i use alot all in builds . but it depends also how my enemy will start the game . But ye i like them

Are you training yourself on a particular map, or on a particular match-up ?

I love all match ups , but i am training mostly ZvP and ZvT since in my group are most of these races.

You seem pretty confident about most of your Courage opponents. What do you think are your chances to win your group ?

I think 60% since 4 of the players are good the rest like all siz players say are chobo.

What team would you like to join, if you managed to get a pro license ?

Samsung khan or uhm STX SouL.

And what are your plans, in case if you don't manage to win the pro license ? Do you think you will stay in Korea for a while, or will you come back to Poland ?

I will stay and practice alot and try to get a contract with a team.

When did you decide to go to South Korea ? Is it something you had kept in mind for a long time ?

Couple of months ago when i started to play quiet good.

Is it something you had kept in mind for a long time ?

Ye i kept it like 3 years in my mind, but i never was good enough.

I guess your team, MeetYourMakers, has been a deciding point in your wish to fly to Korea, right ?

mYm is a really very good team and i am really glad that i can be part of meetyourmakers.

But it is said that your team has sponsored you, and has involved some money in your Korean trip. Do you think that without mYm, you would have been able to go to Korea ?

I think I would not be able to go to korea without them. I want to thank them that they trusted in me , and say to all of our fans . That mYm is really a great team.

Ok. What about your teammate Draco, have you seen him since you have arrived in South Korea ?

No i havent as he mentioned he is training really hard so i dont want to interrupt him we both want to succed. We will meet at courage.

When will the Courage tournament start ?

This sunday.

Ok well, good luck for this tournament, be sure GosuGamers and all the non-Korean community is supporting you !

Be sure GosuGamers will keep you informed of the Courage tournament results and happenings ! Stay tuned !

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