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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

WGTCL Backup Team Signup


So, your team did not make it into WGTour ClanLeague. Well have no fear, Backup signups are here!

WGTCL as must of you know, has 15 different divisions with skill levels varying from low to top non-korean levels. It is the host of many of the best clan wars ever seen outside Korea, with teams like rS. and fanatiC. playing in it.
For all those unlucky team's who did not sign up in time, this if for you. WGTour.com is now allow your team to signup as a backup team, but you must do so before July 2nd.

So how do I sign up?

All you have to do is have a team of more then 5 people, then you are automatically signed up. If you don't, you must make a post in the CL Backup Forums stating the following :
  • -Your team's name (and it’s ID)
    -A link to your team
    -A link to your website
    -Timezone in which you’d like to play (17 CET or 21 CET)
    -Leader of the team
If you need to contact anyone, message the following admins:

Spain RiZaeL
United States Dknight
Czech Republic Err0r
Uzbekistan Greed_uz
Poland InKline

Now remember, you have until July 2nd to sign up for this. Teams that sign up after that date will not be accepted. So go now, before there is a list of 100 teams waiting!

WGTour.com - News Post
WGTour.com - Sign Ups

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