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World of WarCraft Battleplan Vol. 3 Released!

Blizzard GM, Drake, has posted up the new Battleplan in the World of WarCraft forums outlining many of the upcoming features and what we can expect to see at E3. They also address a lot about recent realm performance and server upgrades.

There is supposedly a ton of information that will be revealed at the E3 expo this year (new alliance race?) and I'm sure Blizzard will have a few tricks up their sleeve to surprise us, so keep with us as we will be covering E3 this year.

Addressed again is the paid character transfer service, which is expected to go live in summer of 2006. Also brought up were the fact that server caps would be increased with the release of The Burning Crusade because there will be 25% more land space.

There is also a lot of concern looking into the website and forums performance and it looks like they will be addressing that issue along with upgrading the servers with new top of the line hardware in preperation of the expansion.

To read all the details, click on the link below! There is a ton of information inside!

World of WarCraft Forums - Source

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