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Heroes8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Nexus Newbies: It's Moshing Time

Welcome back to Nexus Newbies! To those unfamiliar with the series, Nexus Newbies is where I (and sometimes accompanied by other GosuGamers crew) critique replays from beginner and intermediate players. The goal? To teach the fundamentals of Heroes of the Storm that sometimes go unexplained or recognized.

We are back with a new episode with everyone's favorite Tauren, Elite Tauren Chieftain. Ranplaty seems solid on the mechanics of the hero and has a good idea of how to be a tank, but struggles with the most important part of E.T.C.'s kit, Mosh Pit.

What did we learn?

  • Consider where your team is, not just the positioning of the enemy team. Just because you have a gap close doesn't mean the rest of your team does. They may not be able to get in range before you die.


  • Look at the health and mana bars before initiating. If the enemy team has low mana or health on key heroes look to initiate on them. If your team has low health or mana bars it is probably wise to not engage.


  • Don't engage if you are outnumbered, even if it looks like a juicy Mosh Pit opportunity


  • People will follow the tank. You need good decision making to play the role.


  • If you are the tank be confident. Don't be afraid to make aggressive plays. With heroes like E.T.C. it is better to be on the aggressive side than afraid to make plays.


  • If you have a bot don't give up. You can still win if you play smart. In these situations win the game by out rotating and trading, not by brute-forcing team fights.


To submit your own replay, follow these instructions:

1. E-mail [email protected] with the subject line that includes the hero you are playing, your battletag, and the words "Nexus Newbies replay submission"

Example subject line: Nova, PanDuhChuu, Nexus Newbies replay submission.

2. In the e-mail, include why you submitted this particular replay and, if known, some specific problems you think you are having with your game. What questions do you want specifically answered?

3. Attach the replay file in the e-mail or provide some other to download it.

Keep in mind that Nexus Newbies is about teaching fundamentals and going over even the most basic of Heroes lessons. No skill level is too low or too novice: If it is newbie, I want to watch it! 


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