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Heroes8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Up your Hero League games with tried and true Heroic duos

Read the full guide on Blizzards official eSports portal

The Heroic Duo’s series focuses on highlighting just what can make a pair of Heroes synergise so well through professional clips, talent comparisons and professional player input. Tournament matches are highlighted to showcase the synergy and the article includes specific moments that define why the featured duo work so well together.

For those looking duo Q your way to Master League, these tried and true pairings should ease the climb with some practice and communication.  Each article also features a breakdown of counters, general strategy and talent advise to make the pairing

Matches highlighted for Tyrande + Muradin:

Leave Kong Alone vs. ROMGBattlefield of Eternitytwitch-icon-box.jpg
Team Liquid vs. FnaticDragon Shiretwitch-icon-box.jpg
MVP Black vs. Team NaventicTomb of the Spider Queentwitch-icon-box.jpg

Tyrande and Muradin are a classic pairing. In a world where stuns are king, these two heroes have managed to survive patch after patch, still seeing competive play as recent as last month. The best part about the duo? They can fit into nearly every team combination.

Past guides:

Heroic Duo #1 
Heroic Duo #2

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