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Hanzo: An Inside Look

There has been much speculation about the play of the mysterious mustachioed Hero

This is the 4th feature in a series about our quest for Overwatch theory crafting. It's pretty simple: we find nice members of the Overwatch community with access to the game and berate them with questions about heroes, strategy and how to competitively play the game. Take a look at the first feature about Reaper strategy, our feature on Duelers, Leaders, and Supports, as well as our competitive look at Symmetra.

Mustaches are only meant to be worn by certain people, and similar to his facial accessories, Hanzo will be played by a certain type of player. Villainous, hustling, wall-walking, sniping, dragon-summoning Duelers who find nothing more satisfying than putting an arrow through their foes' soft parts. Hanzo requires precision aiming, great map awareness, and seems to have as high of a skill ceilling as any hero in the game. So we talked to a Blizzard insider to get the feel on our dashing rogue with a bow. 

What is it like when the Blizzard crew plays Overwatch?

We have a small pool of players so the skill range is divided all over the place. From people who have never played to a lot of the designers who are really hard core FPS veterans.

It seems Hanzo has been really strong, what do you think?

We are eager to watch and track and monitor as we move to a beta state. He can be totally devastating but like everyone else, he has counters.

Counters, you say?

Hanzo is really good against Pharah and Mercy, but Pharah is also really good against snipers because of Concussive Blasts. She knocks snipers from their perches and exposes them. There is a nice tension between those two roles. The same people that counter Widowmaker also counter Hanzo. Winston’s mobility, Torbjörn’s Turret (the AI is faster than a player and you have to be in vision to shoot it. It sees you, it hits you), and Solider 76’s Helix rockets can all effectively shut down Hanzo.

In what situations do you think the Overwatch Archer shines?

Hanzo provides a ton of support on small maps. Because of Sonic Arrow’s vision you can protect a choke a lot better.

Best additions to Hanzo in a team composition?

He pairs up really well with Zarya because of his Dragonstrike ability. It’s a wombo-combo team wipe. His ultimate is beautiful and devastating but it is very easy to avoid because of the sounds and visuals; it needs set up; seasoned players can dodge it. Hanzo is a defense character (but it’s not strange to see him on offensive). Symmetra standing in a room with a Hanzo can create death rooms with mass turrets and Scatter shots. Defensively, these two heroes can really lock down a room.

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