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Hearthstone7 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

New Druid, Shaman minions revealed

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Jade Golems now come with Taunt.

The Jade Golem mechanic has been a defining one for the group of assassins known as the Jade Lotus. Numerous cards have been shown in the past two days summoning a scaling minion, growing with +1/+1 stats and +1 mana cost each time it’s re-summoned.

The theme of spawning numerous vanilla minions has been spiced up with the latest Shaman card revealed. [card]jade chieftain[/card] is a rather expensive 5/5 for 7 mana common minion which not only summons a Jade Golem, but also gives it taunt.

A late-game card, there are obvious benefits to Jade Chieftain’s taunting effect. A big vanilla minion can easily be ignored in a race of life points, but dropping a big wall is more than intimidating. If the Jade Golem mechanic is reliable enough, Shamans could easily drop two 5/5’s on turn 7 if four other Jade Golem cards have been played before in that game. Think of it as Jade Lotus’ [card]thing from below[/card], kind of.

This is the second card that pushes late-game control style for Shaman. Yesterday, the healing [card]jinyu waterspeaker[/card] was shown, the most powerful heal-on-body card since [card]antique healbot[/card].

The second to last Druid card was also shown just now. Virmen Sensei brings the class back to its Beast archetype, providing a straight up +2/+2 buff to a friendly beast.


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