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Hearthstone8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Battle.net client hints at Standard format release on April 26

Did Blizzard give away the release date for Whispers of the Old Gods by accident?

As of a few hours ago, trying to purchase the Naxxramas expansion in Blizzard’s own Battle.net client will result in a warning claiming that the “cards from this set will only be playable in Wild play format […]” from April 26, as you can see in the screenshot above. This is the first time Blizzard itself has mentioned an exact date for the new format; up until now, all we knew was that Standard, as well as the next expansion, would hit in “late April/early May.”

Since the release of Standard will happen at the same time as the release of Whispers of the Old Gods, this leak could potentially give us a release date for the new card set as well. Curiously, this would mean that there are four days left in the April season when the new cards enter the meta, the implications of which could be massive for players trying to grind for higher Legend ranks in order to earn HCT points.

What do you think about Blizzard’s (apparent) decision to release the new content a few days before the end of the current season? Let us know in the comments and answer the poll below!

You can follow the reveal of the new expansion with our Whispers of the Old Gods full card list here.

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