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Hearthstone9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

New Goblins vs Gnomes card: Discipline your rogue deck with Iron Sensei!

Can a 2/2 for 3 ever be good enough? Can we expect more Robot Samurai?

Today's GvG card is of the rogue variety and looks to once again push the boundaries of powerful Mech based strategies. Rogues already have had a 2 drop Mech revealed in Goblin Auto-Barber, so things are already looking up for Iron Sensei. 

The first strike against this card is it's stats. 3 mana for a 2/2 is just very bad, as it will most likely trade for one of your opponents 2 drops or even worse, a 1 drop with 2 attack. This suffers the same drawback as [card]Raid Leader[/card], as it is situationally powerful but consistentally lack luster. In order for Iron Sensei to really shine, it has to at least survive two turns and get it's buff off twice. There are many ways to ensure this in GvG. Annoy-a-tron is an ideal card to both protect and be buffed by the Sensei for example. If Rogue gets more stealth options in the new expansion, this may be an ideal target to hide from sight.

Check back for more cards as they are released- would you play Iron Sensei?

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