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Hearthstone9 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Always wanted 2 mana Highmanes? The new GvG Hunter card will let you do that

Revealed on a Brazilian Hearthstone website, "Chamar Ajudante" is a 2 mana Hunter spell that cycles itself for a new card and if that card is a beast it costs a lot less.

Deck thinning through card draw has long been one of Hunter's strongest suits. Cards like [card]Tracking[/card] and [card]Flare[/card] are cheap options to get to your threats quicker, while the pre-nerf [card]Starving Buzzard[/card] plus [card]Unleash the Hounds[/card] combo was the definitive combination of card draw and board clear that made the class so strong.

Today, Hunter players get to be even more excited at the expense of all Rexxar naysayers as they get a new card - "Call Ajudante", which should translate to something like "Summon Helper" from Portuguese to English. This 2 mana spell lets you draw a card and if that card is a beast - which is often the case in contemporary Hunter decks - it costs 4 less mana.

This is a tempting card to consider, especially for players favoring a slower playstyle and enjoying midrange and control decks. This not only will make [card]Savannah Highmane[/card]s just 2 mana (meaning you can theoretically play them on T2 with coin if you draw it with this card) but might incentivize players to consider other expensive beasts for their decks like [card]The Beast[/card] or [card]King Krush[/card].

Hunters are not the only class that got good stuff recently, though. Revealed last night was a new Paladin card called Muster for Battle, which summons three 1/1 recruits and equipes a 1/4 weapon for 3 mana.

While Muster for Battle doesn't sound particularly gamebreaking, inqusitive Hearthstone fans poked Ben Brode on Twitter asking him how some combos will work and it was confirmed that casting Muster with [card]Sword of Justice[/card] equipped will buff all recruits to 2/2 and only then equip the 1/4 weapon. A sweet deal which might have deckbuilders reconsider the Zooladin as an option for the class.

If you missed any card announcement, make sure to stop over at our Goblins vs Gnomes full spoilers page and check out every single card that's been revealed so far. 

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