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Hearthstone10 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

First Naxxramas Class Card revealed

PAX East in Boston spawned the announcement of new content for Blizzard's TCG hit Hearthstone, with new cards, content and other stuff geared towards one of the most famous raiding instance in World of Warcraft. Now the first class card is revealed.

Two weeks ago PAX East in Boston, Massachusetts was not only the place to be for every avid computer gamer, but also the center of attention for everyone who couldn't personally attend the convention. Several eSports tournaments were held, new games and new content got announced and Blizzard pushed an announcement of additional content for their TCG hit Hearthstone.  All geared towards Naxxramas, the general tone of the expansion pack was reflecting the undead nature of that popular raid instance of World of Warcraft - adding several cards with a Deathrattle theme. 

Back then only the general concept and neutral cards such as Shades of Naxxramas or Baron Rivendare were revealed, today now the first class specific card sees the light of day. The official twitter account of the game released the artwork and text of the card that Druids will have at their disposal come Summer - giving them a strong card to even the board. 

Especially in the dreaded matchup of Druids against Handlocks, this card will help the lovers of nature to even the odds. "Poison Seeds" will hit Hearthstone alongside all the other new card, the new Adventure Mode and all the other new parts introduced to the world of Hearthstone this summer - as the twitter feed eludes to once more. 

From the general reaction to the twitter post can be seen, that it is mostly seen as a very strong card. Professional player Gnimsh wrote his approval for the card on twitter as well, citing that the card seems like "decent removal that works well with Deathrattle." - so pretty much everything that the Curse of Naxxramas is trying to introduce to the game.

To catch up with the entirity of Curse of Naxxramas' timeline and see all the revealed cards and all related news and information, visit our spoiler page.

Source: twitter.com


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