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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Sandlot name/logo contest


GosuGamers needs your help!

[s]event_212[/s]You probably know about the Sandlot tournament, organized by Blizzard. This tournament is dedicated to the Starcraft community websites, which helped Starcraft to stay alive along the years. Read below the statement written by Battle.net when the tournament format was released two months ago:

Eight years after its release, StarCraft continues to rank among the most popular mediums for computer gaming competitions. Over the years, StarCraft has been supported by a large player base; community websites; and enthusiasts who continue to put much time, effort, and energy into the game. We felt there could be no better way to honor this passion than to organize a massive tournament on Battle.net and support the StarCraft community. Gamers across the globe will be able to get directly involved with the Sandlot Tournament, and this gives the world's best players a chance to battle it out for some serious cash.

We, at GosuGamers, need your help for this tournament!
As you probably know, each team has to create a logo and chose a name for the tournament. The team which has the best logo/name will get more minerals to 'buy' players in the draft. So you can imagine how important both the logo and the team name are.

We need your help! Plz submit here your LOGO and your TEAM NAME for GosuGamers, following the rules below.
The crew will vote to decide which of the submitted logos is chosen.

Image must be in JPG or GIF format

Image must be 100x100 to 150x150 pixels

Image cannot contain any rude language or questionable material

Image must be newly created for this tournament

Image must not contain any copyrighted materials

Blizzard images are Ok

Image must not contain any advertising materials

You can send your submissions in the official » thread in the Starcraft forum. Click on the link here or in the source given below.

Happy submissions! Let's show the strength of the GosuGamers community!

// Sweden Mazor, GG.net Sandlot leader, Netherlands Artanis and France Salieri, GG.net Sandlot co-leaders, and the rest of the GosuGamers crew!

GosuGamers.net - Submit your name/logo

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