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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

NEW StarCraft Game!


There is a new StarCraft game in the works, although you might be a bit dissapointed with my news. It is a board game made in the same vain as the recently released World of WarCraft board game.

Fanatsy Flight Games has announced that they are releasing a board game based on our beloved game of StarCraft! The game looks to be very intricate and exciting just as the Doom and World of WarCraft board games before it! Here's what Fantasy Flights had to say about this new amazing addition to the StarCraft universe!
Following the success and popularity of the Warcraft and World of Warcraft board games, we are very pleased to announce the release of an epic board game based on Blizzard Entertainment’s classic Starcraft computer game. This will be one of our big box games, in the tradition of Twilight Imperium, Descent: Journeys in the Dark, and World of Warcraft: the Board Game. It features a large central game board depicting the Starcraft galaxy, as well as nine separate smaller boards that each represent a specific planet in the Starcraft universe. Players will control the familiar Terran, Protoss, or Zerg space and ground units in a bid for domination of these nine worlds. The combat system is fast and diceless, featuring an innovative mechanic that utilizes transparent plastic game cards. The game will feature dozens of beautifully sculpted plastic figures, dozens of cards, lots of high-quality cardboard tokens and markers, a large game board and several mini-boards, and all of the other great components that pack our epic-size games. Starcraft: The Board Game is scheduled for release in October.

Bob Fitch, StarCraft's main developer, at Blizzcon spent a considerable amount of time in the card section gaming talking card shop. I remember Entropy commenting to me, "you know when Bob Fitch, a D&D and RPG card fan, is hanging around the card game section at Blizzcon more excited than a kid with a new toy, something is up with Starcraft & cards" last October. Guess he was right on the money. One thing for sure though, if Bob Fitch had any hand in its design it will be an intelligent and solid game.

Also announced were two new expansions to the already released World of WarCraft board game featuring all new events, talents, skills, and cards to do battle with in Azeroth. Each class deck is recieving ten new talents and ten new powers, is this maybe a look into the future of the popular MMO?

The World of WarCraft board game gets its first expansion in November of this year, only a month before the StarCraft board game comes out! The World of WarCraft board game retails at $79.95 so I would expect to see the StarCraft board game come out at a similar price, so save up now!

Digg.com - My Original Source
Gaming Steve - Article
Fantasy Flight - Offical Announcement

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