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StarCraft 24 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

Anyone else feel like lots of SC2 arcade games could be "standalone" games and would benefit

Very rare amount of new people download Starcraft 2 to play Arcade games. They probably don't even know that they exist.

  • Pure CTF could work as browser based 2v2, 4v4 and Battle Royale. With Small powerups - could make excellent game. Could and probably would rival Curve Fever in popularity

  • The Thing -arctic, this game needs no selling. The top 5 greatest video games, yes video games ever created.

  • Zealot Hockey. Greatest hockey game ever created, miles ahead of NHL series. Could be made into a browser game easily like popular kiekko.tk. Also superior game to that.

These are just examples. Lots of games with potential as browser games.

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