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Hearthstone9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

New cards released for the upcoming Blackrock Mountain Adventure

Blizzard just released two new cards that will be featured in the upcoming Hearthstone solo adventure.

With five cards already teased at PAX 2015, it did not took long for two more to see the light.

1.Axe Flinger

This card gives a few new ideas of what might change for the Warrior class in the future. At the moment we rarely see many options and the predominant type is control Warrior. The Flinger gives an impression similar to the feared Leper Gnome but with difference that only Warriors will have this four mana cost minion at their disposal. It does look like a different version of the Stormwind Knight and the cost is very high for a only two attack minion.

2. Lava Shock

Shamans have had better times and Lava Shock does seem to be the right incentive to bring them back in style. While the Axe Slinger already got its share of opinions from known pros...


...the Lava Shock opens a bunch of new variety for the Shaman. We shall see if this is the only tool that this class will get in the coming solo adventure.

Stay tuned, as we will update our Blackrock Mountain spoilers page whenever something new comes up.

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