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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Official WCG Maps Released


Every gamer whos been relying on WCG Map bugs on winning there games, like the tank drop bug on Paranoid Android, grab the tissue box because WCG has fixed them all.

WorldCyberGames.com has officially released the final versions of the WCG Maps, Gaia, Estrella, Paranoid Android and Azalea with many changes on each map. All positions on all of the wcg maps mineral fields, mine at the same rate now, silly uneven bugs like being able to double manner pylon one position on Paranoid Android and not being able to do the same on the other has been fixed; even all of the entrances on Azalea have been fixed to make it easier for a Terrans to wall. South Korea Rose.Of.Dream., World Cyber Games official map creator, from what I can see, fixed all of the bugs in all of the wcg maps.

Of the 4 WCG maps, Paranoid Android was designed to be a strategic map from the beginning. Instead of power struggle seen in most maps, we tried to induce a different game playing style. Therefore, we expected more balance problems between the races, and the beta test was a very important process. Also, since it is a 2 player map, there were many sensitive problems with the starting positions, and we focused on correcting such problems. - WorldCyberGames

WorldCyberGames.com has a listing of all 4 of the maps with very detailed information on each map including a picture of the map, starting locations, suggested players, size, version, type of map, tile set, version history (all of the changes on the map) and even a detailed paragraph on the history of the map incuding where the name of the map comes from and what kind of style of play works well on the map.
Version History - Paranoid Android

[1.0] - 2005. 05. 31.
- Fix bug where tank can be dropped at an island above 2 o¡¯clock main base
- Change the lower left bridge area to look more natural
- Change the two starting positions to be identical
- Change the two starting positions¡¯ mineral placement, gathering rate, and defense effectiveness to be identical

[0.91] - 2005. 05. 11.
- Change the two starting positions¡¯ expansion area to be similar in terrain

[0.90] - 2005. 04. 10.
- Initial beta test map distribution

For the official WCG maps and for more information on all of the changes in the WCG maps please visit the links below, enjoy.

WorldCyberGames.com - Source
WorldCyberGames.com - Download the New Official WCG Maps Here

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