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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Gosu tricks

Ssize>colio and Entropy, over at » Entropyzero.org, recently wrote a guide titled "Gosu Tricks, Enhanced Skill, Map Tricks, Cheese Strats".

It's pretty short, but contains various good tips for your gaming. Most of the tricks are for Terran, but all players will find strategies for their race. You can also find replays of everything, to see how it's done in game.

Here's an extract, describing the "Egg block":
How it works: send your hydras to block your ramp or small choke point, then morph them to lurkers when opponent attacks. it works early/mid game very well, seeing as nothing can really do dmg to the eggs (they have 10 armor). This prevents units like zealots or marines from walking up your ramp, making it easy to stall time until your lurkers hatch and burrow, then rape =]You can find another replay, with a picture of it » here

Entropyzero.org - More information

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