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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

World Outside Starcraft

[s]event[/s]Amazing how much our online gaming community has grown over the past years. Here are two news of how the world of "adults" is reacting to this phenomenon. They are not stricly Starcraft related but they affect our community as a whole. These news sometimes are pulled down after a week and become fee based or get blocked if they get to many hits from a single site. If you read this news late and can not get to them, PM me, I have them in word doc.

South Korea HanbitSoft forms game publishing deal with Flagship Studios

Not exactly about our game but it foretells the future to come for online gaming. It's in Asia, I do not have the slightest doubt about it. » Koreaherald.co.kr

China China Cracks Down on Net

But guess what? Not Starcraft. The Chinese government is protecting our personal gaming future. Although the news might give the appearance of the opposite, this is simply yet another sign of how China is becoming every day a society with more freedom. We all know how internet crack downs end up, they fail. The internet will change and is changing our world. » Wired.com

Forgive me if I think. Enjoy.

koreaherald.co.kr - Source
wired.com - Source

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