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Hearthstone4 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

Hearthstone Battlegrounds update 16.4.1 fixes bugs, removes Tirion Fordring

Just one week after the launch of the latest Hearthstone update, more changes are coming. The previous Hearthstone Battlegrounds update created several massive stability issues for Android devices. Blizzard aims to fix these with the upcoming update. They have set Thursday, Mar. 5, as the planned date for the update.

One of the most overpowered heroes in Hearthstone Battlegrounds, Tirion Fordring, will be removed from the hero pool. Tirion Fordring, alongside Deathwing, currently proves to be too powerful compared to the other Battlegrounds heroes. Replacing Tirion Fordring is an old hero, Queen Wagtoggle, who was previously removed from the game due to its lack of identity.


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