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Alliance meet Fnatic's win streak in Week 10

Alliance took down ROCCAT to extend their win streak, and Fnatic shut down the new Supa Hot Mid.

The game started with a lane swap and ROCCAT sending their duo lane to the top.  They were able to invade Shook's red buff and give their team an advantage.  Alliance would get their revenge soon, however, by transitioning for dragon and first blood after taking down the first turret.
Alliance continued to succeed with surprise ganks from Shook and took towers quickly.  Eventually, their superior rotations netted them a Baron, and they mowed down one of ROCCAT's inhibitors.
There was a brief moment where it appeared ROCCAT could come back.  Alliance's play to stall while the super team's super minions invaded ROCCAT's base back-fired, and ROCCAT were able to ace them.  It was too little too late, however, as Alliance simply respawned and took another Baron, then advanced to siege mid.  A Nidalee spear onto Celaver started the final battle, and Alliance found their seventh victory in a row.
After a couple false starts in champion select, the lane swaps began.  Fnatic really wanted a 2v1 swap, but Supa Hot Crew's duo began chasing them around the map.  After a while, both team settled on 2v2 mid, but by then Xpeke had accumulated a farm lead over Selfie's Leblanc.
Still, Supa Hot Crew made several strong attempts to take a lead.  They took the first dragon, but Fnatic made sure to counter with top turret.  Fnatic's composition in general allowed them to siege turrets better with Jinx, and it wasn't long before they had steam-rolled through the game.
At a Baron fight, Supa Hot Crew's Migxa had an excellent Crescendo, but SHC was too far behind for it to matter.  It simply stalled out the game for several minutes until Fnatic could wreck their base.

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