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General14 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Currency exchange rates in Cataclysm


More Cataclysm information are now available. This time Blizzard has released the currency exchange rates in the game.

As you might know by now there will be some quite major currency changes that will be happening with the release of Patch 4.0.1. You can read more about that

These Cataclysm currency conversion rates are:

To gold:
Emblem of Heroism = 5.5 gold each
Emblem of Valor = 5.5 gold each
Emblem of Conquest = 5.5 gold each
Badge of Justice = 1.833 gold each

To honor:
Old Honor * 0.024
Old Arena Points * 0.85
Battleground Mark of Honor * 2.976
Wintergrasp Mark of Honor * 19.08
Stone Keeper Shard * 1.6
Venture Coin * 3
Spirit Shard * 1

To justice points:
(Emblems of Triumph + Emblems of Frost ) * 2.75

This means a cap i set in order to prevent the players' hard work from disappearing. Which is good news indeed.

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