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Dota 29 years agoAndreas "drouks" St

HuoMaoTV viewers can now get in-game item drops for DotA2

The viewers of HuoMaoTV can now receive in-game items while watching the games on the popular streaming platform. The droprate and item value is the exact same as regular DotaTV, but users can watch multiple games simultaneously to increase their chances.

The Chinese live streaming platform HuoMaoTV has implemented a new feature aimed towards the fans of DotA2, in cooperation with Valve and Perfect World. The viewers of official tournament matches on HuoMaoTV are now eligible for in-game item drops, just as if they were watching the matches through the DotA2 client. Receiving a drop is also possible by watching through smartphone or tablet, as long as the user is logged on HuoMaoTV.

To enable the new feature, users have to connect their Perfect World account with their HuoMaoTV account, through a simple process explained here. It should be noted that ticketed events will still require the purchase of the respective ticket. The items received through HuoMaoTV are similar to those dropped through DotaTV, and also have the same droprate. However, watching many games simultaneously is allowed and also encouraged, as it increases the viewer's chances of getting an item. 

Source : 178

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Andreas "drouks" StThere's really not much to say about Andreas 'drouks' Stavridakis, except that he sleeps two hours a day, plays the guitar and survives solely on Diet Coke. He also writes about DotA sometimes.

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