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StarCraft21 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Interview: iD.ZyMotiC

[subject_interview]Intro[Rush] has done an interview with the dutch player iD.ZyMotiC. iD.ZyMotiC has 27-3 in WGT stats at the moment. The interview is very long and good. They talk about almost everything from what the weather is like to WCG.
Intro[Rush]: How long have you been playing BW?
iD.ZyMotiC: well i started when BW came out so 5 years, i first played o­nly offline vs friends and when i played o­nline i played mucho maps for like 2 years
Intro[Rush]:What's your favorite race?
iD.ZyMotiC: zERg\
iD.ZyMotiC: zERG*
Intro[Rush]: And why is Zerg your favorite?
iD.ZyMotiC: i like movies like Alien and Starship troopers and i thought Zerg were a bit like those aliens and like 4 years ago i started o­nly playeing zerg, and i've been playing zerg ever since
Intro[Rush]: Starship Troopers, lol
Intro[Rush]: A lot of similarities between that and StarCraft
iD.ZyMotiC: ^^
iD.ZyMotiC: ya


WGTour - Read the interview with iD.ZyMotiC

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