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Hearthstone8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

N'Zoth revealed!

In another one of their blog posts, Blizzard shows off the second and probably most anticipated of the Old Gods.

There has been a lot of speculation about what the Old Gods (besides [card]C'Thun[/card]) will be able to do in Hearthstone. In terms of N'Zoth, there has also been an equal amount of speculation regarding his actual looks as he has never been seen in any Warcraft game thus far, making him the first major character who is revealed in Hearthstone itself rather than revelead somewhere else and then simply put into our beloved card game. But let's get to it, this is N'Zoth, the Corruptor:

To summarize, if you build a Deathrattle themed deck, N'Zoth becomes your crazy finisher. That being said, a ton of very good Deathrattle minions will rotate out with the arrival of the Standard format. To give you a quick list: [card]Dark Cultist[/card], [card]Voidcaller[/card], [card]Haunted Creeper[/card], [card]Mad Scientist[/card], [card]Nerubian Egg[/card], [card]Deathlord[/card], [card]Sludge Belcher[/card], [card]Feugen[/card], [card]Stalagg[/card], [card]Mechanical Yeti[/card], [card]Piloted Shredder[/card], [card]Piloted Sky Golem[/card], [card]Sneed's Old Shredder[/card] and [card]Toshley[/card] - all of those will be gone. Powerful Deathrattle minions remaining in the game: [card]Savannah Highmane[/card], [card]Tirion Fordring[/card], [card]Sylvanas Windrunner[/card], [card]Cairne Bloodhoof[/card], [card]Rhonin[/card], [card]Anub'arak[/card] and [card]Chillmaw[/card]. Right, that's not exactly an impressive list. So, probably one of two things will happen: Either Whispers of the Old Gods introduces at least a decent amount of new strong Deathrattle minions to make N'Zoth a reliable finisher or the Old God will become the very incarnation of a Wild-buster only.

Alongside the Old God himself, a Rogue card was revealed:

The Undercity Huckster follows the the same concept as [card]Burgle[/card] and is tough to evaluate. Chances are that it lines up with so many of the older Rogue cards: Either a slower, value orientated Rogue list will come around or the Huckster will end up being underplayed.

You can check out Blizzard's Blog over here. Also, stay tuned today as there will be at least one more card revealed via community members which we will cover shortly after.

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