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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

A.S.E.A.N League


A little while ago it was posted that an Oceania based contest would be held. The Australia and South East Asian Nations League or A.S.E.A.N League will start February Sunday 12th and last for almost 10 whole weeks!

1. Australia Australia
2. Australia Australia B
3. Malaysia Malaysia
4. Thailand Thailand
5. Vietnam Vietnam
6. New Zealand New Zealand
7. Philippines Philippines

There will be 7 weeks for the seven rounds, and than 3 weeks for the three rounds of the finals. And as of now there are 7 nations that will be participating in the event. Every from February Sunday 12th each round will last until the next Saturday. Than on the following Sunday a new round will start.

Round One
12th Sunday18th Saturday (Feb)
Round Two19th Sunday25th Saturday (Feb)
Round Three26th Sunday4th Saturday (Feb/Mar)
Round Four5thSunday11th Saturday (Mar)
Round Five6th Sunday12th Saturday (Mar)
Round Six13th Sunday19th Saturday (Mar)
Round Seven20th Sunday26th Saturday (Mar)

So as the days count down to the first round of what should be an interesting league, keep a look out for even further updates.

TeamAus.Org - A.S.E.A.N League Temp Forum

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