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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Poland beats Peru 5-4


You might remember the news post about Polands nation wars against Mexico and Peru. The one between Poland and Peru was tied at 4-4 and the very last match was postponed. It has been played now...

The national team of Poland is showing their strength in pretty much every time they have a chance to do it. They play a lot of nation wars, and the chance of seeing them coming out on top is pretty big.

Against Peru a lot of people got surprised after the 1on1 matches, when the score was 4-2 in favor of Peru. The very strong 2on2 teams from the Europeans could even the score out, making it 4-4. The last match was postponed until yesterday.

Tomson versus Smacker

133147b713e6721778c28e0f05979f8b34e43d98b0774d33533cae6e78The match to settle it all was played between the pro-Gaming player Poland Tomson (picture) and the Peruvian in oGaming, Peru Smacker. The match was won by the Pole, who won the match for Poland. The match against Smacker ended 2-1, and the over all score was 5-4. One of the closest nation wars Poland has played lately.

Poland Poland


Peru Peru

Poland POL-ReDMaN-Peru PER-Darki0-2
Poland POL-Avernum-Peru PER-Ezeze1-2
Poland POL-Pako-Peru PER-BabyBoy2-1
Poland POL-Floe-Peru PER-Rage1-2
Poland POL-Wiget-Peru PER-Neo2-0
Poland POL-Spawn-Peru PER-NaranjitO0-2
Poland POL-Tomson-Peru PER-Smacker2-1
Poland POL-SzybkiLopez
Poland POL-LorD
-Peru PER-naranjitO
Peru PER-catz2-0
Poland POL-muflOOn
Poland POL- POL-iLLuSion
-Peru PER-Ezeze
Peru PER-Rivc 2-0

"Poland is the first team to face Team Korea"

"I had a strange foreboding during that match and bad things have happened. Peruvians were incredibly good on the last Saturday. Fortunately, their luck was limited. I miss the point that they wanted to fool us many times to get a freewin.", Poland Cyru, captain of the Polish team, explains.

"I'd love to confirm some rumors. Poland is the first team to face Team Korea (based on: Top WGTour gamers + Team Nal). In my honest opinion even if they are not going to use pro-gamers you can see how a new history starts. In case of our victory we can open a way to play against pro-gamers. Wish us good games.", tells GosuGamers.

It will be very interesting to see the outcome of that match, and what it can mean for the future. This can for sure help the Korean and the foreign community to come closer to each other.

GosuGamers - Previous news about the match

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