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What's coming in WoW 1.9?


Blizzard has updated the Under Development Page for the World of WarCraft site with a plethora of new information! There are some really great new things coming in with this patch that were just announced at BlizzCon! Blizzard wasn't lying when they said 1.9 would be the largest patch they've done!

The first thing is Ahn'Qiraj a huge new end game area in southern Sithilus designed with two seperate instances. The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, a twenty man dungeon, and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, a forty man raid dungeon. I got to play a portion of these new dungeons at BlizzCon and I have to say they are going to be some of the toughest yet and will require a lot of dedicated work to get through, but the rewards will be high. ss12-thumb.jpgTo even reach the new instances though, you will need to have finished a giant world event which Blizzard has stated will take a while to do (in a Computer Gaming World article they mention that hardcore servers will take at least two to three weeks to open it up). Are you worried though about your server lagging behind everyone else's? Blizzard will time open the portal for the slower servers.

My favorite new update in this patch though is the linked auction houses! Horde now has the option to go to the same auction house as before now in Thunder Bluff, Undercity, and of course Orgimmar and they will all share the same items! The alliance also gets the upgrade in the cities of Stormwind, Darnassus, and Ironforge! What a great way to help reduce the lag in those cities! Now you won't have to run to Ironforge or Orgimmar everytime you want to sell something!

Another great addition to help players maximize their playing time is multiple battleground queues. This now means you can be in the queue for all three battlegrounds at once (Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Alteric Valley) and join the one that is first avalible, or wait for the specific battleground you want! This is great news for players who just want to jump into some PvP and are not concerned about which battleground they are playing!

Much requested and begged for is coming in this patch! The Paladin class is getting a talent tree overhaul! There are no details at the moment but once they are up we will for sure preview it!ss9-thumb.jpg

And finally many high level armor sets are getting a complete graphical overhaul. The ones that are previewed on the WoW site are extremely detailed and look really nice! The rogue armor looks absolutly stunning to me and really shows off what the rogue class is.

We're expecting this patch to be before Christmas, but don't hold your breath!

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