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Heroes8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Dehaka's spotlight shows the potential of the newest zerg warrior.

The hero spotlight for Blizzard's newest Hero of the Strom character Dehaka has been released.

The spotlight goes over Dehaka's kit, providing a run-down for players on each ability, including both heroics Isolation and Adaptation, and explaining both optimal and suboptimal uses. The spotlight mentions Blizzard's vision of Dehaka being a premier ganker, a terror to squishy assassins making nowhere on the map safe. Using his Brushstalker to great advantage makes him a global threat, while Dark Swarm puts him in perfect position for a game-changing drag to put his team ahead. 

Just as with the Butcher, it is critical to keep track of your trait at all times. Gathering essence is critical to Dehaka survival where it is the only way for him to be able to sustain damage on his own. Going into a fight without realizing you are low on essence can put you in a sticky situation. 

You can check out some of our own Dehaka content we have on the site:


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