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CLG ends TSM's dominant streak

Dignitas' goldenglue lead his team to a victory in his debut.  Then, CLG used objective-focused play to beat TSM.
The game began with Evil Geniuses taking fast control, grouping early, and shoving down turrets.  Unfortunately, the early grouping meant that individual members fell behind in gold, and Dignitas was able to turn the game.
Dignitas amassed a hefty gold lead, but they forced a Baron with poor vision.  Evil Geniuses got three kills and the Baron, reducing the gold lead and beginning their push to stall out.  Dignitas found several catches, however, and closed the game.
In one of the most exciting matches so for this NA LCS season, CLG and TSM bullied each other in a close laning phase.  CLG snuck dragons whenever they could, but the power of TSM and their group potential gave them kills and an early gold lead.
Eventually, CLG made exceptional rotations to bait Baron, siege, and get picks.  TSM's WildTurtle used Twitch expertly to force CLG into corridors with Spray and Pray, but CLG held on, took fights and objectives in the open, and closed the game to end TSM's reign of terror.

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