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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

Edward elaborates on pre-patch changes

Edward, the support player for Gambit Gaming, explains his thoughts on the pre-season 3.14 patch.

With a couple of weeks to test out the new patch, a few players have decided to chime in on their thoughts so far, including Xpecial with his support tier list and fellow Gambit Gaming player Darien.  In this set of opinions, Edward provides his own tier list of supports, which varies quite a bit in comparison to Xpecial:

Tier 1: Annie, Sona, X, X.
Tier 2: Thresh, Leona, Fiddlesticks, Alistar, Lulu, X.
Tier 3: Zyra, Nami, Janna, Soraka, Nunu, Nidalee, Lux, X, X.
Tier 4: Blitzcrank, Elise, Morgana, Zilean.
"X" are the champions I am not willing not reveal right now, but as you can see there are more valid support right now.

Edward also decides to elaborate on his thoughts of trinkets, the map changes, and the gold income items, noting that he believes the changes will benefit the team greatly due to having such a solid and influencial support and jungler.

Source - Edward's Facebook


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