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LoL11 years agoDreXxiN

Fnatic guaranteed the first to advance in the day of stomps


Not many games were close in today's matchup with revenge being had and Fnatic securing a spot in the playoffs.


Game after game, today has been a day of unclose games.  In yet another steamroll, Gambit strikes down Mineski after coming up from a harsh loss.  While scrapping up a decent composition, Mineski was weak in execution. 

Gambit Gaming seemed superior at every turn.  The main highlight would be Darien's Aatrox who went Hydra into Rageblade and proved to essentially be a raid boss with the entire team not being able to take him down.  After grabbing a Guardian's Angel, the team wasn't able to kill him three times.

FNC vs. SSO 

A greedy dive made things look grim for Fnatic and Samsung Ozone got a big lead.  Fnatic overstayed their welcome, allowing for Samsung to get a couple of kills early.  Dade overextending twice in the top lane, after skilling the wrong ability twice, allowed for no escape and brought xPeke back into the game.

If that wasn't enough, xPeke truly redeemed his early falling behind by a quadra kill later on and being complimented by sOAZ's second assassin pick as Zed. Despite Ozone's composition, they couldn't get farmed enough to utilize their CC to disengage from the double assassin.  Since xPeke had teleport, they could also split push.  Ozone were not able to keep up the pressure.


Mineski's last hope for today would be to take down Vulcun, which they failed in doing.  Probably even less close than the other games, Vulcun really thrives in their gameplay today as Mineski was off to a bad start.  Unfortunately, most likely demoralized from their former games, Vulcun shredded through Mineski, ending the game around 20 minutes and leading by an approximate 20,000 gold.




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