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StarCraft15 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Regular Blizzcon co-caster answers questions and shares his eSports experiences

DjWHEAT is known as crucial part of many eSports events like Blizzcon and Quakecon and if you didn't know he also has his very interesting weekly show. How is it like to attend all those events and what is burden of Internet/gaming popularity is answered by this man in special 1 hour show this week

Brent will be on WCG and Kenny will be the solo host of Episode 8 show that is getting more and more attention from Starcraft community. He will indeed sit down and talk to mr. DjWHEAT all about his own show, Blizzcon, Quakecon, eSports in USA and who knows what pop's up in his intuitive mind. After casual set of questions you can expect mini interview but the most interesting part will be direct questions from viewers that are posting their questions in chat channel.


This time we will enjoy full one hour of juicy Starcraft/eSports/DjWheat information and that fact alone is enough to make you get some food and soda while you sit back and enjoy.

Schedule for next show:

Korea Friday Sept. 25th at 11:00AM KST (UTC+9)

Europe Friday Sept. 25th at 04:00AM CET (UTC+2)

UnitedStates Thursday Sept. 24th at 7:00PM PDT (UTC-7)

UnitedStates Thursday Sept. 24th at 10:00PM EST (UTC-4)

Justin.TV - iCCup's JustinTV Channel
GosuGamers.net - GosuGamers.net news about Brent and Kenny weekly Starcraft show
ICCup - Source

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