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DotA16 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Is the current game mode outdated? Article by Drayich

Time to let APXL go?

I remember when AP was used as the mainmode of DotA. The picks where somewhat the same, even if T_T did do some different things with their globalstrat. Then someone came up with the idea of APXL, the mode where you are allowed to ban enemy heroes, and this was a huge sucess. From that moment its pretty much downwards. We see the same heroes getting banned over and over again, with some variations naturally, but overall i think the most heroes are the same. Then someone added another ban (just as the game was getting more interesting, now your able to remove one more hero).

The pickingphase of an highlevel APXL game is really interesting for some people, and really tiredsome for others. I guess we are 'wasting' atleast 30minutes each game just for the picks - this isnt making the game attractive for me as a familyman - for the spectators - and for the players. It simply takes too much time. A bo3 game makes 3x30minutes picks, thats 1h30minutes ONLY FOR CHOOSING HEROES! And on top of that finding valid hosts and starting up the game and a complete evening is gone just for one bo3 game.

I remember when someone had the idea to make a -RD (Randomdraft) tornament. And everyone was afraid that this would lead to games getting imbalanced with rigged pools and so on. I'd agree that the balance would be different in a RD game compared to a APXL game, but it wouldnt be much if you were allowed to ban one hero per team, and then having the picks done live in the game, natuarlly without any pauses, would even if there is a "rigged" pool make it much more harder to find the PERFECT combination, and it would also make the games a hell lot more interesting.

My idea would be like this

- Start the game, enter -RD and pause the game.
- Countdown 5 minutes, for both teams to make agreement on what hero they wanna ban, but also having some kinda recap for what heroes to pick
_ When 5minutes passed, captains of both teams enter their ban in allchat. This should be entered at the same time (meaning also the same hero could be banned)
- Start the picks, no pauses, just pick as its your turn and five minutes later the game is going.

So what about the 'rigged pools'?

If you pause a RD game instantly you wont from start know whos getting the firstpick, hence the pool is less rigged. You simply remove the hero that you belive make the pool rigged or the hero that you dont wanna risk having to give away
And remember due to the lack of time you will have more issues thinking what lines they will run, are they going with a hero in forest? Is Warlock laning or is he solo? And with the swapping before gamestart you will soon realise that this game will be much more about playing then about picking - even if you also can fail miserably in RD.

This could make people see the game less strategic, in one way maybe you have less chance using your overpowered mindgame, however now its a bigger chance that you can create brilliant solutions that your enemy never can forsee, and i belive that this would make the game a hole lot more interesting.

And if you compare RD to a APXL pool the difference isnt so big as you might think. APXL is about getting the best hero as firstpick, the two secondbest as secondpick and the two best after that etc. Thats the same thing with -RD1ban, just that it takes less time.

So why still 1 ban?

Simply since it might make the pools less rigged. If there is a broodmother a omniknight a visage or something like that standing completely out as 'carryer' or 'ganger' or 'warder' the balance of the game is easily obtained with banning that hero if you want to. And if you are playing against a better team you might even screw the ban just to get a shot at having a stronger lineup then your enemy.

We've for sucha long time seen picks determine games even in APXL. We give the teams playing 90minutes for a BO3 to proove their pickworthyness. What about giving the teams 10minutes, and i bet you all that the level of "skill" will be equal overtime, we just waste less time and we win more playtime. And we get to see some more different heroes. This will also definently make the game much more attractive for leagues and tornaments. Think about it!

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