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General11 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

MGG.DK Starts PH DotA with big Upset

The Filipino teams who joined SMM '12 had dominated their competition. A month later, that simply wasn't the case anymore.

Whatever mean streak those teams had that tournament was simply non-existent in the recently concluded MGG Invitational Dota Tournament. In fact, the Top 4 teams last SMM (Pacific.eMaxx, iZone.GIGABYTE, Mineski, Dreamz.Ledion.SteelSeries) didn't even make it to the podium.

Instead, the relatively unknown MGG.DotaKing took the top honor. They played excellently during the Group Stage, and fared even better on the demanding Single-Elimination Playoffs. Among other teams competing in the tournament were MSI-EvoGT.TnC, Olympians and Prosty.

MGG Dota Tournament
Top Finishers
1st: Philippines MGG.DK
2nd: Philippines TNC Gaming
3rd: Philippines Pacific.Palit

Source: GosuGamers - Tournament Overview

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