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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

First results from WCG Germany + videostream


During this weekend Germany WCG Germany takes place and we will inform about the first results and a live videostream, which will show Starcraft games today. Mondragon will face Fisheye today, surely one of the most promising games.

The first games of Germany WCG Germany are played already and the favourites ToT)Mondragon( and PS.Fisheye managed to win the first two rounds and will now face eachother in the third round. This match up is surely one of the most promosing in WCG Germany and will offer a live videostream today. Good news for all who can't be in Soltau, where the Offline Finals take place. Germany will send three players to WCG Monza and next to the tickets the winner of WCG Germany will recieve a Samsung LCD-TV worth around $1.260 the runner-up will recieve one of the latest mobilephones worth around $450 and the person ranked third will recieve a MP3 player worth around $320. But those things are most probably almost worthless to the tickets to Italy WCG Finals in Monza, Italy. Here are the first results, note that some games are delayed or have been played earlier:

Round 1:

Goody Rob 2-0
Dashwriter kAra 2-1
Schnibl0r Poxxelo 2-0
Infernal bob 2-1
Mondragon Archi 2-0
Zara Zzang 2-1
Fisheye uzi~ 2-0
Selector Jogy 2-1

Loser round1:

Jogy uzi~ 2-0
Zzang Archi 2-0
Poxxelo bob 0-2
Rob kAra 0-1

Winner round1:

Mondragon Zara 2-0
Fisheye Selector 2-1
Goody Dashwriter 0-2
Schnibl0r Infernal 0-2 hosts the the deciding third game between Fisheye and Selector in their filebase. The quality of the video is average to poor, nevertheless with only ~11mb worth the download. A link is given below. Gamer-fm will show Starcraft this morning from 11:45h - 13:15h CET and this afternoon 16:45h - 18:00h CET. Be sure not to the miss the stream. A link to the stream is given below as well. Updates will follow once the next results are available.

***Update***: Replays of Playday 1 have been released and can be downloaded here.

12:15h: Mondragon now started to play Fisheye @ Paranoid Androide. Mondragon has several Lurkers and Lings and is teching to Ultralisks now. Fisheye has many zealots and Archons and manages to kill parts of Mondragon's army.

12:18h: Mondragon drops the expo of Fisheye successfully with many Lings and Ultralisks. Defiler are finished and +3 defence uprade for Mondragon.

12:20h: Mondragon wins a big battle with many Ultralisks and Defilers and has around ~150 supply with many Ultralisks and Lings. Mondragon takes down another expo and drops Fisheye's base and kills it off.

12:25h: Mondragon manages to win the first game with many Ultralisks/Defilers/Lings and nice drops into Fisheye's main,~27minutes length.

12:27h: Gaia is the second map chosen by Fisheye. Fisheye opens with 1Gate, Mondragon starts with expo+pool. Fisheye adds an expo and two canons, Mondragon is attacking with a few Lings.

12:35h: Mondragon building 4hatch, 2evo, Ling/Lurker. Fisheye has many Zealots and add Zealotspeed upgrade. Fisheye added around 8 canons to his main and expo. Mondragon builds another expo and has around ~30 Lings and stops Fisheye from leaving his base.

12:39h: Mondragon attacks with many Lings and some Lurkers and takes down all canons at Fisheye's expo. Templars manages to stop the attack, Mondragon almost finishes his Hive. Mondragon showing nice moves while attacking Fisheye's expo's simultanious.

12:45h: Dashwriter beats Infernal 2-0, Mondragon drops the main of Fisheye with 3-3 Lings and Ultralisks. Mondragon starts another big attack and wins the 2nd game. Congratulations to Mondragon and Dashwriter for securing their spots in Monza.

Winner round2:

Mondragon Fisheye 1-0 @ Paranoid Androide
Mondragon Fisheye 2-0 @ Gaia
Dashwriter Infernal 2-0

Links - Fisheye vs. Selector video
Gamer-fm - Videostream - Source

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