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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

<b>The Ace: Second round</b>



As time passes by, more and more of the matches in The Ace gets played. Two out of four games in round two has been played, the ones we are waiting for is BrEaKdOwN versus Advokate and Ex versus Odin.

The first match to finish was Canada Testie against Czech Republic PredY. A close 3-2 result gave Testie a spot in the top 4. The reason why PredY was able to play in Round 2 despite losing against Germany BrEaKdOwN in the first round was that United Kingdom MidiaN, who beat Spain SuKeR in r1 and was
supposed to play Testie decided t o leave the tournament. A small tournament with the losers in round 1 was supposed to be held, but the only one who showed up for it was PredY.


Mondragon is in round 3.
Further on, we had the match between the German dominator Germany Mondragon (picture) and the rising Swede, Sweden KaaZ. The more experienced German was able to take down the Swede losing only one game while winning three.

More updates will come as soon as possible. As for replays they will be uploaded shortly, keep your eyes open for them!

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